Sea Girt Lighthouse Citizens Committee
In 1956 the federal government sold the lighthouse to the Borough of Sea Girt, which reopened it as the town library and recreation center. Some two decades later, the heavily-used building was in need of major repairs. The town council considered all options, including selling the property. In 1981, concerned citizens formed the Sea Girt Lighthouse Citizens Committee, a non-profit preservation and educational organization to “save our lighthouse.”
It has. SGLCC leases the building from the town for $1 a year, and is responsible for all expenses related to maintenance and operations as a museum and community center. In addition to tours and special events, community groups meet there regularly. The lighthouse is in use some 180 days a year.
While Sunday tours, are conducted through mid-November, group tours are conducted year-round by prior arrangement. To arrange a group tour, please submit your request through the website's Contact Us page, or call us 732-974-0514, or write Sea Girt Lighthouse Citizens Committee, P.O. Box 83, Sea Girt, NJ 08750.